LUMINARY  a.k.a. Lawrence Sage
1020STRRoll: 13-, Lift: 400kg, HA: 4d6
1015DEXRoll: 12-
1020CONRoll: 13-
2030INTRoll: 15-, PER Roll 15- (21-)
1020EGORoll: 13-
1020PRERoll: 13-, PRE Attack: 4d6
204SPDPhases: 3, 6, 9, 12
46PDTotal: 6(24)/0(18)rPD
46EDTotal: 6(24)/0(18)rED
Total Characteristics Cost: 160
Points Complication
+10Harmful Secrets of the Superluminal Universe (Infrequently, Major)
+10Hypervigilant (Common, Moderate)
+10Long-winded Speaker (Common, Moderate)
+10Scientifically Inquisitive (Uncommon, Strong)
+20Susceptibility to Crystalized Dark Energy (Uncommon, 3d6 Normal Damage per Turn)
+10Vulnerability to Darkness Attacks (Uncommon, x2 BODY)
  (15m/240m Flying)
  12m Running
  4m Swimming
  4m Leaping

50FLOOD & FOCUS: Multipower, 75-point reserve; all slots Restrainable (-½)
f-5Fleeting Fantasies: Hearing and Sight Group Images, -5 to PER Rolls, Area of Effect (30m Radius, +1), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Restrainable (-½)
f-3Fleeting Figures: Hearing, Mental, Sight, and Touch Group Images, -8 to PER Rolls, Area of Effect (3m Radius, +¼), Costs END Only To Activate (+¼); Extra Time (Full Phase; -½), Limited Range (120m; -¼), Restrainable (-½)7
f-4Liquidation Laser: RKA 4d6, Area of Effect (12m Line; +¼); Limited Range (120m; -¼), Restrainable (-½)7
f-3Lithography Laser: RKA 2d6, Indirect (Source Point can vary from use to use; +½), No Range Modifier (+½), Penetrating (+½); Concentration (½DCV; -¼), Extra Time (Full Phase; -½), No Knockback (-¼), Physical Manifestation (-¼), Restrainable (-½)7
f-3Overarching Occultation: Invisibility (Hearing, Mental, and Sight Groups), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Usable By Nearby (+1); Extra Time (Full Phase; -¼), Restrainable (-½), Side Effect (3d6 Drain EGO; -½)
f-4Optimal Occultation: Invisibility (Hearing, Mental, and Sight Groups), No Fringe, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Extra Time (Full Phase; -¼), Restrainable (-½)
f-4Observational Overview: Clairsentience (Sight Group), Multiple Perception Points (up to four at once), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Usable By Nearby (+1); Extra Time (Full Phase; -½), Restrainable (-½)
f-3Observational Organ: Clairsentience (Hearing and Sight Groups), 16x Range (3600m), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Restrainable (-½), Side Effect (Drain 4d6 SPD; -1)
f-3Designate Decoys: Cosmetic Transform 11d6 (apply identical holographic disguises to humanoids, heals back in 3 Hours or when IIF crystals are lost), Improved Results Group (any humanoid; +¼), Area Of Effect (30m Radius; +1); Limited Target (humanoid beings; -¼), Concentration (½DCV; -¼), Extra Time (Full Phase; -½), Limited Range (120m; -¼), Restrainable (-½)7
f-3Designate Deputy: Major Transform 6d6 (bestow holographic crystals, heals back in 3 Hours or when OIF/IAF crystals are lost), Improved Results Group (any humanoid; +¼); Limited Target (humanoid beings; -¼), Concentration (½DCV; -¼), Extra Time (Full Phase; -½), Limited Range (120m; -¼), Restrainable (-½)7
f-4Flurry of Flares: Sight Group Flash 6d6, Area of Effect (30m Radius; +1;), Armor Piercing (+¼), Personal Immunity (+¼); Extra Time (Delayed Phase; -¼), Restrainable (-½)7
f-4Furious Flare: Sight Group Flash 10d6, Area of Effect (2m Radius; +¼), Armor Piercing (+¼); Limited Range (120m; -¼), Restrainable (-½)7
f-3Overpowering Operators: Telekinesis (40 STR), Area of Effect (3m Radius; +¼); Extra Time (Full Phase; -¼), Limited Range (120m; -¼), Physical Manifestation (-¼), Restrainable (-½)7
f-3Orderly Operators: Telekinesis (20 STR), Fine Manipulation, No Range Modifier (+½), Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+¼); Concentration (½DCV; -½), Physical Manifestation (-¼), Restrainable (-½)7
f-3Construction Crystals: Barrier, 7 PD/7 ED, 7 BODY (up to 18m long, 5m high, and 2m thick), Non-anchored, Opaque to Sight Group; Limited Range (120m; -¼), Restrainable (-½), Time Limit (3 hours; -½)7
f-3Confinement Crystals: Barrier, 18 PD/18 ED, 1 BODY (up to 6m long, 3m high, and ½m thick), Non-anchored; Limited Range (120m; -¼), Restrainable (-½), Time Limit (3 hours; -½)7
f-4Unearthly Uplift: Healing STUN 3d6, Area of Effect (12m Radius; +¾), Limited Range (120m; +¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Extra Time (Delayed Phase; -¼), Restrainable (-½)
f-3Unearthly Union: Healing BODY 5d6, Limited Range (120m; +¼); Concentration (½DCV; -¼), Extra Time (Full Phase; -½), Restrainable (-½)7
f-3Superabundant Signs: Mind Control 10d6, Area of Effect (6m Radius; +½); Extra Time (Delayed Phase; -¼), Does Not Work On Blind (-¼), Limited Normal Range (120m; -½), Restrainable (-½)7
f-3Subliminal Signs: Mind Control 5d6, Cumulative (360 points; +1½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Does Not Work On Blind (-¼), Extra Time (Full Phase; -½), Limited Normal Range (120m; -½), Restrainable (-½)
24Magnificent Mail: Resistant Protection (18 PD/18 ED); Costs Endurance To Activate (-¼), Increased Endurance Cost (x3; -½), Side Effect (Drain 3d6 STR; -½)16
17Iridescent Interceptor: Flight 15m, x16 Noncombat Movement, Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+¼); Extra Time (Full Phase; -¼), Increased Endurance Cost (x3; -½), Side Effect (Drain 3d6 DEX; -½)11
10Glamorous Garb: Shapeshift (Hearing, Mental, and Sight Groups; any humanoid), Imitation, Makeover, Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+¼); Concentration (0 DCV; -½), Extra Time (1 Minute; -¾), Increased Endurance Cost (x7; -1½), Side Effect (Drain 3d6 PRE; -½)31
6Superior Scrutiny: +6 PER to Normal Sight
121 Overall Skill Level
3Acting 13-
3Concealment 15-
3Computer Programmer 15-
3Disguise 15-
3Electronics 15-
3Inventor 15-
3KS: Cosmology 15-
3KS: Stagecraft 15-
3Oratory 13-
3Persuasion 13-
3Power: Lambent Lord 15-
3PS: Astronomer 15-
3PS: Screen Actor 15-
3SS: Physics 15-
3Stealth 12-
3Tactics 15-
3Teamwork 12-
Total Powers/Skills/Talents Cost: 240

The SUPERLUMINAL UNIVERSE There are many theories about the nature and variety of other universes. A research physicist studying the most minute variations in the darkness of a great void recognized what his peers denied – rich imagery derived from those variations was actually leaking through from another universe! In a parallel reality a menagerie of intense light sources were governed by wildly different laws of physics. Coherent phenomena shone so brightly as to be visible to observers looking where there was little light indigenous to our "normal" universe. Lawrence Sage would abandon his pursuit of a doctorate, but not his study of this Superluminal Universe.
 In results derived from methods others were quick to discredit, the curious dropout not only documented evidence of this parallel universe, but patterns of activity consistent with some organizing principles. Its fundamental forces support many different varieties of photons. These energetic particles participate in complex interactions producing stable formations. Even by inference there is little that can be said about the life of the Superluminal Universe. It might not even qualify as life. Much mystery remains despite endless observation of recursive structures that seem to grow by absorbing other phenomena.
 While Lawrence was developing an instrument meant to dramatically enhance remote viewing of this other universe, a finger-sized crystal spontaneously appeared in the palm of his hand. Over the next few hours, he rigorously documented and studied the image it projected into thin air. Just as he was about to take a microscope to that crystal, both it and that image flickered out of existence. It would not be long before he developed a theory about this data set. Lawrence suspected the frequencies and harmonics encoded in the image could be used to extract resources from the Superluminal Universe. Years of work derided by his peers unlocked many techniques for these extractions.
 It is unclear if tapping Superluminal resources eliminates unwanted detritus, harvests natural phenomena, or demands precious offerings. Observations suggest all relevant energies approach limitless abundance relative to the scale of any personal use. Yet the Superluminal Universe appears to lack significant concentrations of baryonic matter. It may also lack spacetime continuity. Phenomena containing as much apparent energy as a galactic supercluster may vanish or appear with no perceivable transition. Recurring patterns suggest vast entities moving through space and time in ways our universe simply does not allow.
BACKGROUND/HISTORY: People started telling young Lawrence Sage he was going to be a big star in Hollywood while he was performing minor dramatic roles in film and television. Instead, after amassing the funds to support an ambitious education, he withdrew from a career on screen. Lawrence now approached drama as a student with particular interest in direction and production. At the same time he earned advanced degrees in astrophysics and computer science. His new friends and colleagues insisted he was on the way to becoming a big star in the academic world. Yet what fascinated him most were those expanses of space with an absence of stars.
 Taking note that the greatest intergalactic voids drew less attention and analysis than the rest of the sky, Lawrence Sage sought to distinguish himself with some discovery pried from the darkest darkness. At first in fleeting glimpses, then later in images with spectacular clarity, he identified an entirely different universe shining into our own. His visualization methods were controversial. Critics argued that his conclusions were too bold and his data too ambiguous. Everything from solar weather to the cleanliness of his instruments was called into question. Building the case for this discovery would require an alliance with more senior academics and years of methodical testing.
 Rather than continue inside the establishment, Lawrence invested the last of his financial reserves in a personal planetarium to facilitate more meaningful viewing of this profoundly unfamiliar reality. The young man was still trying to make sense of his first well-calibrated projections when a faceted object resembling smoky quartz appeared in his hand. It promptly projected a holographic image depicting a staggering array of angles, frequencies, and harmonic ratios. Lawrence became increasingly distant from the outside world during years of exotic experiments inspired by this data set. That changed when the reclusive researcher used a tabletop laser array to trigger the arrival of another holographic crystal.
 This object only emitted a field of colorful visual noise with no decipherable meaning. Yet its mere existence established a reference point for further experimentation. Other aperatures could summon different sorts of crystals, dramatically intensify laser output, or even channel some sort of psychic energy. Lawrence Sage now took a new sense of purpose and vigor into a mix of acting jobs and "fringe science" lectures. This helped him climb out of debt while mapping out the means to access the Superluminal Universe through thought alone. At will he can now create all manner of holographic interfaces to import and sculpt incandescent energies, from the dance of phantom seductresses to the beams of deadly lasers.

PERSONALITY/MOTIVATION: Lawrence Sage has become a wandering adventurer. At times he can be furtive, avoiding those who recognize him from youthful accomplishments. He continues to investigate the Superluminal Universe without any need for facilities or equipment. Sometimes he shares his perspectives with others, always careful to omit crucial details. He fears the prospect of doing serious harm in another universe and/or losing his powers if their workings should become widely understood. An actor without a stage and a scientist without a lab, he still shines as Luminary – a cunning superhero with an arsenal of light-based abilities.

QUOTE: "You're not the first foe to forget which of us is the bright one."

POWERS/TACTICS: Luminary is prepared to overcome all manner of resistance. Where purely helpful action is not effective, he will favor hypnotic messages or temporary confinement over brutal violence. His laser attacks are usually a show of force or a desperate last resort. Luminary facilitates a tremendous variety of special maneuvers as part of a team. His misdirections can be tailored to the greatest desires or fears of an adversary. He excels at orchestrating surprise attacks. Though not easy to ambush, Luminary struggles to raise his defenses and take flight after stumbling into unexpected hostilities. Also, he cannot utilize his FLOOD & FOCUS techniques without the freedom to control elaborate holographic interfaces.

SUPERLUMINAL EXTRACTS Conventional scientific interpretations of Lawrence Sage's findings concede only that remarkable structures have been observed. Competing theories suggest the images depict a previously unknown form of cosmic background radiation, abundant dark matter behaving atypically, or patterns of interference generated within our own galaxy. Mr. Sage no longer publishes on this topic, though his continued inquiries have produced a robust body of confirmations. He can reliably extract a variety of resources from the Superluminal Universe.
 ◊ Ordinary Light — With the correct parameters, ordinary light is easy to project in any mix of frequencies and patterns. It seems to be a ubiquitous resource throughout the Superluminal Universe.
 ◊ Coherent Light — Laser beams are available in every frequency on every vector, but firm control over vast destructive potential is required to prevent a runaway breach between universes.
 ◊ Holograms — These effects produced by convergent lasers may render three dimensional animations, complete with acoustic vibrations and neural signals in some projection formats.
 ◊ Holographic Crystals — Possessing some of the visual properties of minerals, these forms of solidified light lack significant mass, but they can be programmed to emit complex holograms.
 ◊ Power Crystals — Elaborate programming allows for simple operation of these intensely energized crystals, temporarily conveying a superhuman ability to one attuned recipient.
 ◊ Structural Crystals — with both visual and physical similarities to minerals, these forms of solidified light can be used to build short-lived but otherwise resilient objects and shelters.

APPEARANCE: Luminary is fond of changing up his heroic style. One day his Magnificent Mail might resemble a sturdy space suit while his Iridescent Interceptor sports the look of a rocket sled. On the next he might achieve similar results with what looks like jeweled plate armor and a shimmering cape. Given time to prepare he will privately change into an ensemble ideal for the occasion. Usually he addresses the world through a ruggedly charming visage paired with a richly resonant voice. Embodying a few superhero cliches helps Luminary influence bystanders during dangerous clashes. It also makes him less likely to be regarded as a public menace.
 For interviews and public speeches he favors simple formalwear enhanced by one or two vibrant silk accessories and an almost imperceptible personal halo. His flawless alabaster face and perfect raven-dark hair lend themselves well to film and video. His eyes have been photographed in a variety of colors, though his irises are naturally brown. Graying at the temples (as well as in the whiskers after some time without a shave,) the real Lawrence Sage bears the lines of age as well as a few small moles on his face. Though once tall and slender, he presently sports an athletic build to better endure the rigors of clashing with other metahumans.

FLOOD & FOCUS: The oldest techniques for creating apertures to the Superluminal Universe require an array of intersecting lasers tuned to specific frequencies. Through a deep understanding of physics profoundly alien to our own universe, thoughts can also breach the barrier between realities. Luminary employs mental triggers to open the smallest of stable apertures. The convergence of their microscopic beams admits enough energy to build holographic interfaces. These immaterial tools support the precise manipulation and complex programming required to draw energy through larger yet less stable connections. Some of these openings "flood" local space with an abundance of energies derived from beyond. Others "focus" their output into smaller phenomena like a pinpoint beam or a handful of crystals.

 ◊ Fleeting Fantasies: Luminary has already spent countless hours projecting imagery from another universe so that he might delve deeper into its mysterious physics. Techniques now second-nature to him make it possible to flood a 60 meter diameter sphere centered no more than 120 meters away with any pattern of sights and sounds. Only the most complex animations feature any glitches that might undermine their credibility. Skeptical observers, such as those who felt nothing while attempting to touch an illusion, might still find flaws in Luminary's mastery of light and shadow. This power works well to reposition enemies by simulating the appearance of their primary objective.

CRYSTALLIZED LIGHT Most apertures to the Superluminal Universe admit a pulse or torrent of light energy. Yet some connect with a form of light that emerges into this universe as a structure more analagous to a crystal than a beam of light. These crystals have negligible mass, though they cling firmly to solid surfaces or remain motionless relative to their surroundings on arrival in this universe. Many are little more than a collection of energy and information, able to produce specific holograms under the control of a capable user. Others are tools with the ability to move under their own power and apply physical force.
 By default they are as easily damaged as a stout wooden door, though "purified" crystals are durable enough endure rifle fire without a scratch. The largest formations of these crystals can provide effective cover in battle or effective detention for several human-sized subjects. Extensive laboratory analysis reveals that crystallized light contains no baryonic matter at all. Instead it is bound together by several classes of exotic particles known as superphotons. These particles consistently decay into ordinary photons after roughly three hours in our universe. Crystals not already depleted or destroyed will naturally disperse as harmless motes of light.
 Different crystals are derived from different mixtures of energy extracted from the Superluminal Universe. It is also possible to return it from whence it came, complete with any sights, sounds, and thoughts recorded in it. Any information archived in this way can be recalled in duplicate at will. Luminary exploits this phenomenon to accumulate files on characters, costumes, scripts, props, and backdrops for use in his illusions. Sometimes he suspects that information filed away on the other side serves as compensation for the light he takes from across the rift between universes.
 ◊ Fleeting Figures: By incorporating a rich neural matrix into a focused hologram, Luminary can create substantial illusions that seem to have minds of their own from a telepathic perspective. Inside a 6 meter diameter sphere centered no more than 300 meters away, he can project one or more animated forms, each flawlessly realistic to every sense save smell and taste. From a ring of armed guards to a towering monster, these illusions can be effective deterrents. Yet they cannot cause direct physical harm. Actively engaging them in combat may prompt doubts about their realism. Luminary sometimes uses this ability to confidently confront the deadliest foes with a projection of himself or some nameless negotiator.

 ◊ Liquidation Laser: In theory, a connection to the Superluminal Universe could open a tear in the fabric of space that would eventually destroy our entire galaxy. Before developing this theory, Lawrence Sage had already executed major aperture flares surpassing ten seconds. Now he limits himself to events no longer than three seconds – a duration that ensures safety and allows an extraordinary degree of control over output. When destruction is the purpose of that output, Luminary can project a lance of lethal energy away from himself, flooding a zone 12 meters long and 2 meters in diameter along a direct line originating no more than 120 meters away. This large laser is powerful enough to breach a brick wall with a single blast more often than not. A shot or two is usually enough to permanently disable any non-military land or air vehicle.

 ◊ Lithography Laser: Methodical collection of coherent light produces a special sort of purified holographic crystal roughly the size of an apple. Pulsating with an internal reserve of laser energy, these crystals can be deployed directly within centimeters of their target. Even from their maximum operational range of 300 meters, Luminary can use them to inscribe delicate patterns in durable materials. The width of this keenly-focused beam ranges from microscopic to just under 1 centimeter, but it can eventually carve through almost any substance. This narrow laser outperforms its larger counterpart for tasks like breaching a bank vault or disabling a heavily armored vehicle.

 ◊ Overarching Occultation: By projecting a 10 meter diameter sphere curving light, sound, and thought; Luminary can mask the presence of a small group of companions. Creating a bubble that warps psychic energy leaves Luminary at the mercy of confusing signals, momentarily diminishing his own willpower. Outsiders have only tracks, scents, and the slightest hint of ripples in the air to suggest all is not as it appears. Yet objects taken by insiders will vanish, and discarded items will suddenly appear where they fall. Everyone within the sphere can see normally, and anyone passing outside is no longer obscured by it. Luminary favors this power for group infiltration or escape scenarios. Yet he cannot maintain its effect in conjunction with any superpowered offense.

REMOTE VIEWING Lawrence's first great breakthrough came after reading a colleague's wildly speculative paper on the idea of tunneling through another universe to reduce the distances involved in astronomical observations. Though that author disputed the existence of the Superluminal Universe, Lawrence integrated his own theories to develop a novel quantum tunneling effect. This enabled him to collect observations as if his instruments were located on a platform in a distant part of our universe. From there it was much easier to sort out the proper contrasts for bringing small leaks of Superluminal energy into plain view.
 His findings made Lawrence reconsider his model of this other universe. Orbs, arcs, and rays of cosmic proportions would suddenly appear with no prior notice only to later vanish in another instantaneous event. Similar objects in different locations could well be the same object occupying multiple places at the same time. Whatever passes for space and time over there, it must be nothing like the fabric of this universe. Given that observed leaks had to be many orders of magnitude much less intense than the phenomena that produced them, it followed that this alternate reality was saturated with ordinary photons and populated by vast concentrations of exotic photons.
 Yet study of the Superluminal Universe taught Lawrence a few things about conventional space and time. Without benefit of any special equipment he can "stitch" together locations hundreds of meters apart. Though initiated with a holographic crystal, these remote viewing connections can be maintained indefinitely with no special risks. Their minor alterations to the fabric of our universe appear to have no lasting aftereffects. Through them, it becomes possible for Luminary to simultaneously project live images from multiple perspectives or eavesdrop on a location blocks away.
 ◊ Optimal Occultation: When he is alone and does not wish to be seen, Luminary can wrap himself in a focused shroud of light, sound, and thought. All energies of those types appear to pass through him as if he were not there, without ripples to alert even the keenest observers. Despite this, he remains able to see and hear the outside world normally. Items he holds or carries become invisible, while those he drops become visible. This is primarily a method of achieving surprise or eluding ongoing hostilities. Though able to sleep invisibly, Luminary must have his hands free to maintain synchronization between the holographic camouflage and the movements of his body. Also, he must reveal himself before lashing out with flares, lasers, or anything else from his photonic arsenal.

 ◊ Observational Overview: Luminary can build a holographic surveillance desk in anticipation of hostilities. This practical projection features up to four panels that might be mistaken for security camera video feeds. Each is actually connected through quantum tunneling to any point within 200 meters of the desk. This enables a combat team to remain together while watching several avenues of approach. With directions from collaborators, Luminary can rotate through a flood of remote viewing connections. He need not strain to display up to 80 different perspectives over the course of a single minute. This allows a team to survey many rooms of a large building without physically touring the structure.

 ◊ Observational Organ: In its true form, this unsettling accessory settles clings to one of Luminary's temples before snaking slender tendrils around his nearest eye and ear. He may alter its style to resemble an elegant monocle or a high tech earpiece. Whatever its appearance, this temporary facial feature provides the audiovisual means to spy on any location within 3600 meters. Sensory overload is sometimes disorienting enough that Luminary misses opportunities to interact with his immediate environment. He always regains focus on his own surroundings in less than a minute, though the effect may occur anew after retargeting to a different vantage point. Frequent location shifts using this technique can leave Luminary thoroughly disoriented.

 ◊ Designate Decoys: This swarm of tiny crystals scatters across a 60 meter diameter sphere centered on a point up 120 meters away. The same holographic disguise is applied to most of the humanoids caught in the flood of shimmering pellets. Additional swarms may be required to cover the largest and most rugged individuals. The particulars of each disguise are set at the time of launch. Some are as subtle as adding the same ribbon to each recipient's outfit. Others are comprehensive enough to make every affected person look and sound perfectly identical. Anyone can remove one of these disguises by gathering up the clinging crystals and discarding them. The effort is comparable to stripping off an ordinary suit of clothing. Otherwise, appearances return to normal three hours after the disguise was last applied.

HOLOGRAPHIC HANDOUTS Luminary can furnish allies with a small assortment of crystals containing energy enough to sustain each through hours of heavy use. These gifts are simplified variants of his own powers. All controls are self-evident and do not require any special knowledge. These crystals can be abandoned at any time. No known method prevents them from decomposing into a swarm of harmless little lights three hours after appearing in this universe.
 (All items OIF and 0 END.)

 ◊ Salutary Bandolier: Healing STUN 3d6, 120m; Delayed Phase
 ◊ Salvation Periapt: Healing BODY 3d6, 120m; ½DCV Concentration
 ◊ Scintillating Badge: Normal Sight Flash 6d6, Damage Shield
 ◊ Seeker Gauntlets: RKA 2d6, No Range Penalty; Extra Segment
 ◊ Servitor Harness: Telekinesis (26 STR), ½DCV Concentration
 ◊ Skystrider Boots: Flight 25m, Usable As Running
 ◊ Striker Bracers: RKA 2d6, 12m Line; 120m Range
 ◊ Soaring Cape: Flight 15m, x16 Non-Combat Speed
 ◊ Sparkling Coat: Resistant Defense (15 PD/15 ED)
 ◊ Spyglass Helm: Clairsentience (Normal Hearing and Sight), 900m

 Accepting any of these handouts conveys Distinctive Feature: Brilliant Halo (Not Concealable) and Psychological Complication: Trusts Luminary (Common, Strong). When all associated crystals have vanished or been discarded, these complications no longer apply.
 ◊ Designate Deputy: Luminary has been known to temporarily empower bystanders with holographic crystals designed for use by unskilled civilians. In doing this, he also shrouds recipients in a visibly luminous aura. This infusion of light attunes beneficiaries for purposes of controlling their crystals, and it gives them confidence Luminary has a plan to protect his allies. Especially for any being already capable of superpowered combat, more than one exercise of this power may be required to attune a gift. Multiple applications can also outfit a single recipient with additional power crystals, though each of them fades from this universe three hours after it was bestowed.

 ◊ Flurry of Flares: Aggressively channeling energy into an ordinary holographic projection causes it to erupt in a storm of intense visual pyrotechnics. This technique allows Luminary to project blinding lights throughout a 60 meter diameter sphere centered within 300 meters. He can even place individual flares inside helmets or other eye protection. Yet the program generating this flood of dazzling phenomena always spares Luminary himself from harm. Centered above the skyline, such a projection can also serve as an effective long range signal or a celebratory display. Tactically, these floods of holographic fireworks can create crucial opportunities for ambush or escape. Yet each is a brief pulse, and victims typically recover their sight in well under one minute.

 ◊ Furious Flare: The brightest conventional light Luminary can produce uses holographic reflectors to contain incredibly intense light within a sphere roughly 4 meters across. A brilliance this focused can only be projected up to a distance of 120 meters. Yet it tends to permeate protective gear, inflicting blindness on just about anyone in contact during peak radiance. Ordinary victims often require more than a minute to regain their sight. Most metahumans enjoy faster recoveries. Nonetheless, this technique has the potential to neutralize a threat throughout the first acts of sophisticated plan or frantic fight.

 ◊ Overpowering Operators: The largest energy-bearing crystals Luminary can create reach 6 meters in length and width. These animated platforms are impervious to small arms fire. If intentionally deactivated or separated from him by more than 120 meters, they cease to exist. Referred to as "operators," they emit prehensile appendages ranging from slender tendrils to huge clamps. These features make it possible to restrain, lift, and slowly transport creatures as large as a mature African elephant. Lesser masses can be manipulated more casually, such as hauling a normal person just over 57kph or hurling such a victim up to 24 meters from point of release. Targets may also be bludgeoned, compressed, or dropped from a great height. Managing the flood of energy these operators require leaves Luminary exhausted after applying maximum strength for 42 seconds.

Photonic Forces Though lasers and holograms contain negligible mass, they can apply pressure to propel physical objects. Crystallized light is capable of even stronger interactions. Some forms are only a little more substantial than holograms, effectively weightless yet able cling to solid objects after being joined with a little pressure. Though crystallized light is never truly heavy, sometimes it features tremendous inertia paired with solid substance. Large platforms and walls of the stuff may resist tremendous physical forces while sitting motionless for hours.
 Luminary's operators are of particular note for their ability to apply force.
 ◊ Orderly Operators: Resembling a crystalline coconut, these operators are just as durable as their larger counterparts. Each is easily able to restrain a single person of ordinary strength by way of assorted hooks and belts. Such a hostage could be hauled at just over 19kph or flung a distance of 8 meters. Yet these constructs are intended for more delicate work. Each can equip itself with forceps, picks, screwdrivers, wrenches, and any other simple mechanical tools required to accomplish the task at hand. Luminary finds himself able to visualize fine details of these operators in action even at their maximum range of 300 meters. Controlling such a precise entity requires constant focus, though these operators need no additional energy. Instead a replacement must be generated once per three hours of use.

 ◊ Construction Crystals: Admitting a flood of raw crystallized light into this universe allows Luminary to generate an object measuring as much as 18 meters by 5 meters by 2 meters. Within those dimensions, these creations may feature corners, curves, shelves, and stairs such as to produce customized shelters or staging platforms. When assembling large structures he can add 15 of these crystals per minute of effort, fusing them with others as desired. Most of these crystals feature glossy surfaces and impenetrably smoky appearances, though textured surfaces and translucent looks are also possible. Abundant imperfections cause all of these huge crystals to behave more like wood than steel or stone. Small arms fire can chip away at them. More powerful weapons sometimes destroy a large chunk with a single attack. These crystals remain motionless even if they are not in contact with any other solid object. They seem as substantial as any regular matter, yet three hours after creation each slowly dissolves in a cascade of luminous motes.

 ◊ Confinement Crystals: These filtered and focused collections of exotic photons resemble thick panes of glass, though they are impervious to most forms of attack. Even a heavy machine gun is unlikely to shatter one of these constructs. They are viable as a form of transparent cover with an area up to 6 meters by 3 meters. Yet Luminary developed these crystals to detain menacing combatants. Given a cubic configuration, one of these cells could completely contain a tight group four adults. Normally they isolate individuals. Captives often become the focus of negotiations or mind control efforts. Apart from teleportation or extremely powerful attacks, escape requires waiting for the crystal to disperse at the end of its three hour lifespan. Each is gas permeable and utterly immobile, even when created in midair.

 ◊ Unearthly Uplift: The intense feelings of goodwill accompanying this form of light soothe any fears about being caught in a flood of mysterious vapors. Individuals fortunate enough to encounter this 24 meter diameter cloud of crystalline nanoparticles will experience instant relief from moderate bruises and concussions. Much of the damage done by psychic attacks will be reversed. Minor scrapes and burns may also spontaneously heal. Luminary can project this cloud up to 120 meters away. Yet in battle he often places it where it will help the most members of his team, including himself. Its stimulating euphoria can be enjoyed even if there is no underlying pain or disorientation to relieve.

REMOTE VIEWING Lawrence's first great breakthrough came after reading a colleague's wildly speculative paper on the idea of tunneling through another universe to reduce the distances involved in astronomical observations. Though that author disputed the existence of the Superluminal Universe, Lawrence integrated his own theories to develop a novel quantum tunneling effect. This enabled him to collect observations as if his instruments were located on a platform in a distant part of our universe. From there it was much easier to sort out the proper contrasts for bringing small leaks of Superluminal energy into plain view.
 His findings made Lawrence reconsider his model of this other universe. Orbs, arcs, and rays of cosmic proportions would suddenly appear with no prior notice only to later vanish in another instantaneous event. Similar objects in different locations could well be the same object occupying multiple places at the same time. Whatever passes for space and time over there, it must be nothing like the fabric of this universe. Given that observed leaks had to be many orders of magnitude much less intense than the phenomena that produced them, it followed that this alternate reality was saturated with ordinary photons and populated by vast concentrations of exotic photons.
 Yet study of the Superluminal Universe taught Lawrence a few things about conventional space and time. Without benefit of any special equipment he can "stitch" together locations hundreds of meters apart. Though initiated with a holographic crystal, these remote viewing connections can be maintained indefinitely with no special risks. Their minor alterations to the fabric of our universe appear to have no lasting aftereffects. Through them, it becomes possible for Luminary to simultaneously project live images from multiple perspectives or eavesdrop on a location blocks away.
 ◊ Unearthly Union: Luminary does not fully understand this process, but when it is needed he feels compelled to act. While focusing intensely on an injured individual within 120 meters, he can direct alien energy to reconstitute the subtance of an organic life form. Though he cannot replace missing limbs or vital organs, Luminary can otherwise heal severe bodily trauma in a living person or creature. Few normal humans could survive injuries so severe this miraculous power would be unable to heal them fully in a single application. Extraordinarily huge or rugged beings might require several treatments spread across multiple days before being fully healed in the aftermath of devastating injuries.

 ◊ Superabundant Signs: When Luminary saturates a 12 meter diameter sphere with compelling holograms, normal people within find themselves feeling compliant. This flood of imagery mixes boldly explicit commands with flickers of imagery calculated to inspire the desired activity. Most find themselves quick to perform acts they would consider strange or wrong under other circumstances. Serious self-injury or profound betrayal are not so easily compelled. Literacy is not essential for this effect to work, though blind subjects are immune, as are those unable to understand Luminary's voice. He can project these flurries of messaging up to 120 meters away. At any range, swift follow-up is crucial – some minds may resist the effect entirely, and almost all shake it off within a few minutes.

 ◊ Subliminal Signs: Luminary can embark on a campaign of mental manipulation at the threshold of perception. Through focus he achieves the deepest level of control over an ordinary human in less than a minute. This technique has no effect on blind individuals or those with strong psychic defenses, but modest telepathic resistance can be overcome with enough patience. These mesmerizing messages can be directed at one person up to 120 meters away, though Luminary must conclude each effort with explicit instructions from his own voice. This treatment renders almost any information source cooperative. It may turn a hostile combatant into an allied infiltrator. Often this is enhanced by an effect that leaves victims unaware of any tampering, convinced that they chose to act as they did. A fully controlled target must obey, even at some distant point in the future.

 ◊ Magnificent Mail: Luminary has undergone years of bodybuilding to manage this cumbersome crystalline costume. Coating himself with it is always a strain. Doing so creates resistance to his own body movements until everything settles into its proper place. Despite possessing negligible mass, the bulky suit provides protection far surpassing the best steel plate armor. It also insulates against most forms of energy, allowing Luminary to emerge unscathed after a run through fire or contact with electricity less intense than heavy industrial current. This is often his first response to danger, since relentless physical training has not endowed him with superhuman toughness.

 ◊ Irridescent Interceptor: Though it takes many forms, like a jetpack or a winged steed, this holographic method of propulsion is no physical object. That does not prevent it from imparting momentum to Luminary. On first going aloft he experiences a bout of clumsiness until the physical forces rigged to support his weight are stabilized and calibrated. At speeds under 18kph Luminary is able to perform evasive maneuvers and safe landings. It is not so at higher speeds. He rarely approaches his own maximum of 288kph without plenty of wide open space. 48 seconds of continuous acceleration is required to reach that speed from a hovering start. While soaring so swiftly, the tightest 360° turn he can perform follows a loop 116 meters across.

 ◊ Glamorous Garb: Luminary routinely makes use of holograms to redefine his personal look, voice, and psychic signature. He prefers to make these changes in private. Not only does the process require at least a minute of peering at small details in reflectors and editors, but his results are marred by subtle distortions until every holographic crystal settles into place. Those results might duplicate a uniform or completely impersonate a specific individual. Observers have no reason to question these disguises unless they touch Luminary, distinguish his scent, or spot inconsistent tracks. As himself or in another role, he can become so photogenic as to seem a natural model. His heroic identity usually sports a classically handsome visage and a rousing baritone voice, both ideal for rallying hesitant helpers.

 ◊ Superior Scrutiny: Perhaps no one alive knows as much about visible light as Luminary. Tiny refractive and reflective holograms may appear as needed to bring his vision into better focus. Though he can use Fleeting Fantasies to fully illuminate as much as a 1,000 square meters, he may instead remain in darkness while amplifying starlight to clarify his view. Alternatively, telescopic squinting allows him to read text 60 meters away as if it were within arm's reach. If it is visible nearby and he knows what to look for, Luminary has an excellent chance of finding whatever he seeks.

 ◊ Lambent Lord: Through his deep connection to an alien universe, Luminary can produce a range of minor light-based effects at any time with nothing more than a thought. He employs glowing lines in thin air the way others might use a blackboard or notepad. Highly realistic imagery and sounds can be integrated into these holographic documents. Work worthy of preservation can be filed away for later recall. He also has the ability to render small objects briefly invisible as if by prestidigitation. With simple gestures he can produce temporary color filters, hand mirrors, magnifying glasses, periscopes, prisms, reading lights, and sunshades. He can even emit tiny laser pulses to ignite combustibles or perform engravings. Luminary prefers to deal with autograph requests by etching or scorching a permanent mark upon a personal possession of the seeker.