Suspension of Disbelief Playing this game involves dealing with a fantasy world where our understanding of physics sometimes fails and our understanding of magic certainly does. Adventurers in the world of the game inhabit environments awash in potent spellcasting resources. Otherwise impossible structures stand firm through accomplishments of arcane engineering. Even persons of ordinary intellectual ability can become formidable spellcasters. Angry brutes of arcane heritage might still cast spells as a birthright. The potential energy realized when a box suddenly falls from a shelf is analogous to the untapped forces racing through every location in a world home to ages of arcane conflict. Adventurers savvy to the ways of magic pull powerful energies out of thin air with just the right words and gestures. Characters less versed in arcana nonetheless accept the existence of these pervasive powers. Many have seen wizards unleash spectacular energies, and almost everyone has witnessed clerics performing miracles. Spellcasting should always be adjudicated by the rules of that process and spells themselves. Yet the same can be said for all gameplay conventions. A player need meet no test of physical strength to play a musclebound warrior. Everyone at the table is assuming a persona with capabilities beyond the grasp of players themselves. In this fantasy roleplaying game, participants do well to support the fantasies of their collaborators. Suspending belief in a shared fantasy enriches that experience to the benefit of everyone participating in good faith. |
Martial | Magical | ||
† | Barbarians | ♪ | Bards |
♥ | Fighters | Clerics | |
∅ | Monks | ♣ | Druids |
∞ | Paladins | ≬ | Sorcerers |
✶ | Rangers | ★ | Warlocks |
♠ | Rogues | ∢ | Wizards |
Cantrips Cantrips are the simplest sort of spellcasting. Some theorists liken cantrips to words spelled with a single letter. In their least ambitious forms, cantrips derive their power from a single magical resource. Yet they are not necessarily so basic. Sufficiently advanced practices make it possible to intensify many cantrips. Every cantrip features both somatic and verbal components. Casting a cantrip does not normally consume any spell slots though it does normally require one action. For most practitioners, learning to reliably perform their first cantrip is a major milestone on a lifelong journey of arcane discovery. The Innate Spellcasting feature grants a cantrip to all healthy and mature members of a race. Shamanic Militants (barbarians) can cast Shilelagh. Each subclass of monks, paladins, and rangers knows two cantrips related to their specialities. Bards, Braced Battlemages (fighers), clerics, druids, sorcerers, Stage Magicians (rogues), warlocks, and wizards each develop their own growing repertiores of cantrips from their respective class lists. Many societies attach great prestige to seasoned spellcasters while considering a cantrips no more valuable than proficiency with a toolkit. Unlike more advanced magic, a person with no particular aptitudes can learn a cantrip through patient instruction paired with extraordinary persistence. This knowledge is also relatively simple to maintain. If an adventurer has forgotten one of these elementary techniques, it was probaby crowded out by the incorporation of a different cantrip into their personal magical routine. |
Cantrips Cantrips are the simplest sort of spellcasting. Some theorists liken cantrips to words spelled with a single letter. In their least ambitious forms, cantrips derive their power from a single magical resource. Yet they are not entirely elementary. Sufficiently advanced practices make it possible to intensify many cantrips. Every cantrip features both somatic and verbal components. Casting a cantrip does not normally consume any spell slots though it does normally require one action. For most practitioners, learning to reliably perform their first cantrip is a major milestone on a lifelong journey of arcane discovery. |
Cantrips Cantrips are the simplest sort of spellcasting. Some theorists liken cantrips to words spelled with a single letter. In their least ambitious forms, cantrips derive their power from a single magical resource. Yet they are not entirely elementary. Sufficiently advanced practices make it possible to intensify many cantrips. Every cantrip features both somatic and verbal components. Casting a cantrip does not normally consume any spell slots though it does normally require one action. For most practitioners, learning to reliably perform their first cantrip is a major milestone on a lifelong journey of arcane discovery. |
Cantrips Cantrips are the simplest sort of spellcasting. Some theorists liken cantrips to words spelled with a single letter. In their least ambitious forms, cantrips derive their power from a single magical resource. Yet they are not entirely elementary. Sufficiently advanced practices make it possible to intensify many cantrips. Every cantrip features both somatic and verbal components. Casting a cantrip does not normally consume any spell slots though it does normally require one action. For most practitioners, learning to reliably perform their first cantrip is a major milestone on a lifelong journey of arcane discovery. |
Name | Class(es)* | Starting Damage | Target(s) | Range | Resolution Method | Notes | |||
Acid Splash | ✠ ♥ ≬ ★ ∢ | 1d6 acid | two within 5' | 30' | Dexterity | — | |||
Coiling Creeper | ♣ ★ | 1d4 bludgeoning | one** | 30' | Dexterity | initial grab, recurring squeeze | |||
Cosmic Veil | ✠ ♠ ≬ ★ ∢ | 1d4 force | one | touch | Intelligence | blinded until start of turn | |||
Eldritch Blast | ★ | 1d10 force | one | 120' | spell attack | — | |||
Firebolt | ♥ ≬ ∢ | 1d10 fire | one | 120' | spell attack | — | |||
Granite Fist | ♣ ≬ | 1d6 bludgeoning | one | self | melee attack | enhanced damage, recurring melee | |||
Grievous Grasp | ✠ ♥ ≬ ★ ∢ | 1d8 necrotic | one | touch | spell attack | no healing until end of turn | |||
Mindbolt | ♥ ♠ ≬ ★ ∢ | 1d8 psychic | one | 120' | Wisdom | — | |||
Poison Spray | ✠ ♣ ♥ ♠ ≬ ★ ∢ | 1d12 poison | one | 30' | Constitution | — | |||
Produce Arcs | ♣ ≬ ∢ | 1d6 lightning | two within 15' | 60' | Dexterity | — | |||
Produce Flame | ♣ ≬ ★ ∢ | 1d6 fire | one | 30' | thrown attack | recurring melee alternative | |||
Produce Ice | ♣ ≬ ∢ | 1d6 frost | one | 30' | thrown attack | recurring melee alternative | |||
Produce Stone | ♣ ≬ ∢ | 1d6 bludgeoning | one | 60' | thrown attack | enhanced damage | |||
Ray of Frost | ♥ ≬ ∢ | 1d6 frost | one | 60' | spell attack | reduced speed until end of turn | |||
Sacred Flame | ✠ | 1d6 radiant | one | 60' | Wisdom | — | |||
Shillelagh | †♣ | 1d8 bludgeoning | one | self | melee attack | enhanced damage, recurring melee | |||
Shocking Grasp | ♥ ♠ ≬ ★ ∢ | 1d8 lightning | one | touch | spell attack | ignores metal armor | |||
Sunbolt | ✠ ♥ ≬ ∢ | 1d8 radiant | one | 120' | spell attack | — | |||
Vicious Mockery | ♪ ✠ ♥ ♠ ★ ∢ | 1d4 psychic | one | 60' | Wisdom | disadvantage on next attack | |||
Vile Miasma | ★ ∢ | 1d4 necrotic | one | 60' | Constitution | disturbed until end of turn | |||
Name | Class(es) | Starting Damage | Target(s) | Range | Resolution Method | Notes | |||
*Barbarian, fighter, and rogue cantrips are only available through the Shamanic Militant, Braced Battlemage, and Stage Magician subclasses respectively. **Coiling Creeper can only inflict damage on a creature it has already restrained. |
All Spells | ||||
Cantrips | 1st level | 1st level | 2nd level | 2nd level |
Acid Splash Brilliant Strike Coiling Creeper Cosmic Veil Dancing Lights Eldritch Blast Enhance Assistance Firebolt Granite Fist Green Thumb Grievous Grasp Light Mage Hand Mending Message Mindbolt Minor Illusion Mystic Shield Poison Spray Prestidigitation Produce Arcs Produce Flame Produce Ice Produce Stone Ray of Frost Reflect Image Resistance Sacred Flame Shillelagh Shocking Grasp Spare the Dying Steady Beast Sunbolt Thaumaturgy Vicious Mockery Vile Miasma |
Alarm Animal Friendship Animate Ropes Aura Sight Bane Bless Breadcrumb Trail Burning Hands Charm Person Color Spray Command Comprehend Languages Cosmic Ray Create or Destroy Water Cure Wounds Detect Magic Detect Poison and Disease Disguise Self Divine Favor Entangle Expeditious Retreat Faerie Fire False Life Feather Fall Find Familiar Floating Disk Fog Cloud Guiding Bolt Healing Word Hellish Rebuke Heroism Hideous Laughter Hunter's Mark Identify Illusory Script Inflict Wounds | Jump Lightning Jolt Lithographic Touch Locate Companion Longstrider Loudspeaker Mage Armor Magic Missile Mental Brawl Metamorphic Weaponry Oily Ooze Penetrating Glimpse Purify Food and Drink Putrid Shiv Program Puppet Protection from Entities Quick Shield Resounding Noise Resplendent Garb Restore Sense Sanctuary Signal Flare Silent Image Sleep Shield of Faith Speak with Animals Spider Climb Steady Person Tickling Tendrils Thunderwave Tripping Hazard Unseen Servant Vomit Ichor Weatherproof Barrier Winter Wind Zone of Tranquility |
Acid Arrow Aid Alter Aura Alter Self Agonizing Arc Animal Messenger Arcane Lock Augury Barkskin Blindness/Deafness Blur Calm Emotions Continual Flame Darkness Dark Chakram Darkvision Detect Thoughts Enhance Ability Enlarge/Reduce Enthrall Excruciate Find Steed Find Traps Flame Blade Flaming Sphere Gentle Repose Gust of Wind Heat Metal Hold Person Invisibility Knock Lesser Restoration |
Levitate Light Chakram Locate Animals or Plants Locate Object Magic Mouth Magic Weapon Mirror Image Misty Step Moonbeam Pass without Trace Prayer of Healing Protection from Poison Ray of Enfeeblement Rime Cloud Rot Wood Rope Trick Rusting Touch Scorching Ray See Invisibility Shatter Silence Spike Growth Spiritual Weapon Strange Brew Suggestion Unearthly Visage Unseen Ram Venemous Lash Volley of Stones Warding Bond Web Zone of Honesty |
3rd Level | 3rd level | Forms of Magic ★ Contractual ∢ Intellectual ♪ Musical ♣ Natural ✠ Spiritual ≬ Visceral Schools of Magic ◬ Abjuration ◬ Conjuration ◬ Divination ◬ Enchantment ◬ Evocation ◬ Illusion ◬ Necromany ◬ Transmutation | 4th level | 4th level |
Animate Dead Beacon of Hope Bestow Curse Blink Call Lightning Clairvoyance Cleanse Lair Conjure Animal Conjure Imp Corrosive Spill Counterspell Create Food and Water Daylight Dispel Magic Envenomed Darts Fear Fireball Firecage Fly Gaseous Form Ghoulish Feast Glyph of Warding Haste Hypnotic Pattern Lightning Bolt Magic Circle Major Image Mass Healing Word Meld into Stone Nondetection |
Phantom Steed Plant Growth Power Struggle Power Word Flee Protection from Energy Quagmire Rallying Eloquence Remove Curse Reverent Burial Revivify Row of Hedges Sending Sleet Storm Slow Speak with Dead Speak with Plants Spirit Guardians Stinking Cloud Telepathic Joust Thundercrash Tongues Triple Threat Unseen Archivist Vampiric Touch Water Breathing Water Walk Willful Shroud Wind Wall Witching Hour Zone of Mercy |
Arcane Eye Banishment Booming Battlecry Bestow Hellsight Black Tentacles Blight Burning Breath Cleanse Being Cover of Darkness Coherent Beam Compulsion Confusion Conjure Minor Elemental Conjure Woodland Being Control Water Death Ward Devour Death Dimension Door Divine Portent Dominate Beast Fabricate Faithful Hound Fire Shield Freedom of Movement Giant Insect |
Greater Floating Disk Greater Invisibility Guardian of Faith Hallucinatory Terrain Ice Storm Infuse Weapon Locate Creature Mass Charm Person Phantasmal Killer Polymorph Power Word Kneel Private Sanctum Protection from Swarms Redirect Lightning Resilient Sphere Secret Chest Shadowy Form Slithering Serpent Stone Shape Stoneskin Telepathic Bond Temporary Vigor Vanish Object Wall of Fire Zone of Vitality | |
5th level | 6th level | 7th level | 8th level | 9th level |
Animate Objects Antilife Shell Arcane Hand Awaken Broadcast Thoughts Cloudkill Commune with Divinity Commune with Nature Cone of Cold Conjure Elemental Contact Other Plane Contagion Creation Dismissal Dominate Person Dream Flame Strike Geas Greater Restoration Hallow Hold Monster Insect Plague Legend Lore Mass Cure Wounds Mislead Modify Memory Passwall Planar Binding Power Word Fumble Raise Dead Reincarnate Resonating Vibrations Scrying Seeming Telekinesis Teleportation Circle Tree Stride Unravel Effect Vampiric Embrace Wall of Force Wall of Stone Zone of Stability |
Acid Rain Blade Barrier Chain Lightning Circle of Death Contingency Conjure Fey Conjure Fiend Create Undead Disintegrate Energize Construct Eyebite Find the Path Flesh to Stone Freezing Sphere Globe of Invulnerability Guards and Wards Harm Heal Heroes' Feast Instant Summons Irresistible Dance Lethal Injection Magic Jar Mass Suggestion Move Earth Planar Ally Power Word Fall Programmed Illusion Spontaneous Combustion Sunbeam Transport via Plants True Seeing Wall of Ice Wall of Thorns Wind Walk Word of Recall |
Animate Trees Arcane Sword Conjure Aberration Conjure Celestial Delayed Blast Fireball Divine Word Etherealness Finger of Death Fire Storm Forcecage Heavenly Chariot Mirage Arcane Plane Shift Power Word Sleep Prismatic Spray Project Image Regenerate Resurrection Reverse Gravity Rolling Thunder Sequester Simulacrum Symbol Teleport |
Animal Shapes Antimagic Field Antipathy/Sympathy Clone Control Weather Create Atmosphere Demiplane Dominate Monster Earthquake Feeblemind Flash Flood Glibness Holy Aura Incendiary Cloud Maze Mind Blank Power Word Stop Sandstorm Sunburst Unholy Aura |
Astral Projection Foresight Gate Imprisonment Maelstrom Meteor Swarm Perfect Strike Power Word Die Prismatic Wall Shapechange Storm of Vengeance Time Stop True Polymorph True Resurrection Weird Wish |
♪ Bard Spells – Charisma | ||
Cantrips | 1st level | 2nd level |
Brilliant Strike Dancing Lights Enhance Assistance Light Mending Message Minor Illusion Prestidigitation Reflect Image Resistance Thaumaturgy Vicious Mockery |
Animal Friendship Charm Person Comprehend Languages Detect Magic Disguise Self Faerie Fire Healing Word Hideous Laughter Heroism Identify Longstrider Loudspeaker Resonating Sound Resplendent Garb Silent Image Sleep Speak with Animals Thunderwave |
Animal Messenger Blindness/Deafness Calm Emotions Detect Thoughts Enhance Ability Enthrall Hold Person Knock Lesser Restoration Locate Object Magic Mouth Mirror Image Misty Step Shatter Silence Suggestion |
3rd level | 4th level | 5th level |
Bestow Curse Counterspell Dispel Magic Fear Haste Hypnotic Pattern Major Image Nondetection Rallying Eloquence Remove Curse Sending Slow Speak with Dead Speak with Plants Thundercrash Tongues |
Banishment Booming Battlecry Compulsion Confusion Death Ward Dimension Door Freedom of Movement Locate Creature Mass Charm Person Phantasmal Killer Secret Chest Telepathic Bond |
Awaken Broadcast Thoughts Dismissal Dream Geas Greater Restoration Hold Monster Legend Lore Mislead Resonating Vibrations Seeming Unravel Effect |
∢ Braced Battlemage (Fighter) Spells – Intelligence | ||||
Cantrips | 1st level | 2nd level | 3rd level | 4th level |
Acid Splash Brilliant Strike Enhance Assistance Firebolt Grievous Grasp Light Mending Message Mindbolt Mystic Shield Poison Spray Prestidigitation Ray of Frost Reflect Image Resistance Shocking Grasp Sunbolt Vicious Mockery |
Alarm Aura Sight Breadcrumb Trail Burning Hands Detect Magic Expeditious Retreat Feather Fall Floating Disk Fog Cloud Identify Jump Lightning Jolt Lithographic Touch Longstrider Loudspeaker Mage Armor Magic Missile Mental Brawl Program Puppet Quick Shield Signal Flare Sleep Spider Climb Thunderwave Unseen Servant Weatherproof Barrier Winter Wind |
Acid Arrow Alter Self Agonizing Arc Blindness/Deafness Darkness Darkvision Detect Thoughts Enhance Ability Enlarge/Reduce Flaming Sphere Gust of Wind Invisibility Levitate Locate Object Magic Mouth Magic Weapon Misty Step Rime Cloud Scorching Ray Shatter See Invisibility Unseen Ram Volley of Stones Web |
Bestow Curse Blink Cleanse Lair Counterspell Dispel Magic Fear Fireball Fly Haste Lightning Bolt Magic Circle Nondetection Phantom Steed Protection from Energy Remove Curse Sleet Storm Slow Telepathic Joust Thundercrash Triple Threat Vampiric Touch |
Arcane Eye Banishment Booming Battlecry Burning Breath Cleanse Being Coherent Beam Dimension Door Fire Shield Greater Floating Disk Greater Invisibility Ice Storm Locate Creature Polymorph Redirect Lightning Resilient Sphere Stoneshape Stoneskin Wall of Fire |
✠ Cleric Spells – Wisdom | ||||
Cantrips | 1st level | 2nd level | 3rd level | 4th level |
Acid Splash Brilliant Strike Cosmic Veil Dancing Lights Enhance Assistance Grievous Grasp Light Mending Message Mystic Shield Poison Spray Resistance Sacred Flame Spare the Dying Steady Beast Sunbolt Thaumaturgy Vicious Mockery |
Aura Sight Bane Bless Command Create or Destroy Water Cure Wounds Detect Poison and Disease Divine Favor False Life Guiding Bolt Healing Word Heroism Inflict Wounds Locate Companion Loudspeaker Mental Brawl Purify Food and Drink Protection from Entities Restore Sense Sanctuary Shield of Faith Steady Person Weatherproof Barrier Zone of Tranquility |
Aid Augury Blindness/Deafness Continual Flame Darkness Enhance Ability Enthrall Find Traps Gentle Repose Hold Person Lesser Restoration Locate Object Magic Weapon Prayer of Healing Protection from Poison See Invisibility Silence Spiritual Weapon Warding Bond Zone of Honesty |
Animate Dead Beacon of Hope Bestow Curse Cleanse Lair Create Food and Water Daylight Dispel Magic Fear Ghoulish Feast Glyph of Warding Magic Circle Protection from Energy Remove Curse Reverent Burial Revivify Speak with Dead Spirit Guardians Tongues Water Walk Zone of Mercy |
Banishment Bestow Hellsight Cleanse Being Coherent Beam Control Water Death Ward Devour Death Divine Portent Freedom of Movement Guardian of Faith Locate Creature Private Sanctum Protection from Swarms Slithering Serpent Stone Shape Zone of Vitality |
5th level | 6th level | 7th level | 8th level | 9th level |
Commune with Divinity Creation Dismissal Flame Strike Greater Restoration Hallow Hold Monster Insect Plague Legend Lore Mass Cure Wounds Raise Dead Zone of Stability |
Blade Barrier Create Undead Find the Path Globe of Invulnerability Guards and Wards Harm Heal Heroes' Feast Planar Ally Sunbeam True Seeing Word of Recall |
Conjure Celestial Divine Word Etherealness Heavenly Chariot Plane Shift Regenerate Resurrection Symbol |
Antimagic Field Antipathy/Sympathy Control Weather Earthquake Flash Flood Holy Aura Sandstormm Sunburst |
Astral Projection Foresight Gate Perfect Strike Prismatic Wall True Resurrection |
♣ Druid Spells – Wisdom | ||||
Cantrips | 1st level | 2nd level | 3rd level | 4th level |
Coiling Creeper Dancing Lights Enhance Assistance Granite Fist Green Thumb Light Mending Mystic Shield Poison Spray Produce Arcs Produce Flame Produce Ice Produce Stone Reflect Image Resistance Shillelagh Spare the Dying Steady Beast |
Animal Friendship Animate Ropes Breadcrumb Trail Burning Hands Charm Person Create or Destroy Water Cure Wounds Detect Magic Detect Poison and Disease Entangle Faerie Fire Fog Cloud Jump Locate Companion Longstrider Oily Ooze Purify Food and Drink Restore Sense Speak with Animals Spider Climb Steady Person Tripping Hazard Winter Wind Zone of Tranquility |
Alter Self Animal Messenger Barkskin Darkvision Enhance Ability Find Steed Flame Blade Gust of Wind Heat Metal Lesser Restoration Locate Animals or Plants Misty Step Moonbeam Pass without Trace Protection from Poison Rot Wood Rusting Touch Spike Growth Volley of Stones Web |
Call Lightning Cleanse Lair Conjure Animal Create Food and Water Daylight Dispel Magic Firecage Meld into Stone Nondetection Plant Growth Protection from Energy Quagmire Reverent Burial Row of Hedges Sleet Storm Speak with Plants Stinking Cloud Water Breathing Wind Wall Zone of Mercy |
Cleanse Being Conjure Minor Elemental Conjure Woodland Being Control Water Dominate Beast Fire Shield Freedom of Movement Giant Insect Ice Storm Locate Creature Polymorph Protection from Swarms Redirect Lightning Slithering Serpent Stone Shape Wall of Fire |
5th level | 6th level | 7th level | 8th level | 9th level |
Antilife Shell Awaken Cloudkill Commune with Nature Conjure Elemental Greater Restoration Insect Plague Reincarnate Scrying Teleportation Circle Tree Stride Wall of Stone |
Chain Lightning Conjure Fey Find the Path Flesh to Stone Freezing Sphere Move Earth Sunbeam Transport via Plants Wall of Ice Wall of Thorns Wind Walk Word of Recall |
Animate Trees Etherealness Finger of Death Fire Storm Heavenly Chariot Mirage Arcane Regenerate Rolling Thunder |
Animal Shapes Control Weather Create Atmosphere Demiplane Earthquake Flash Flood Sandstorm Sunburst |
Astral Projection Gate Maelstrom Shapechange Storm of Vengeance True Polymorph |
✠ Monk Spells – Wisdom | ||||
1st level | 2nd level | 3rd level | 4th level | 5th level |
Animate Ropes Aura Sight Bless Burning Hands Cure Wounds Detect Magic Detect Poison and Disease Expeditious Retreat Inflict Wounds Jump Longstrider Mental Brawl Purify Food and Drink Protection from Entities Restore Sense Spider Climb Steady Person Thunderwave Winter Wind Zone of Tranquility |
Agonizing Arc Blur Calm Emotions Dark Chakram Enhance Ability Gentle Repose Lesser Restoration Levitate Light Chakram Pass without Trace Protection from Poison Rope Trick Scorching Ray Shatter Venemous Lash Zone of Honesty |
Cleanse Lair Dispel Magic Envenomed Darts Fireball Haste Lightning Bolt Magic Circle Nondetection Protection from Energy Remove Curse Reverent Burial Slow Thundercrash Telepathic Joust Water Walk Zone of Mercy |
Banishment Booming Battlecry Burning Breath Cleanse Being Coherent Beam Devour Death Fire Shield Freedom of Movement Redirect Lightning Stoneskin Temporary Vigor Zone of Vitality |
Arcane Hand Commune with Divinity Commune with Nature Contact Other Plane Geas Greater Restoration Hallow Resonating Vibrations |
✠ Paladin Spells – Wisdom | ||||
1st level | 2nd level | 3rd level | 4th level | 5th level |
Alarm Aura Sight Bless Command Cure Wounds Detect Magic Detect Poison and Disease Divine Favor Guiding Bolt Heroism Loudspeaker Mental Brawl Penetrating Glimpse Purify Food and Drink Protection from Entities Restore Sense Sanctuary Shield of Faith Steady Person Zone of Tranquility |
Aid Augury Blindness/Deafness Calm Emotions Enhance Ability Find Steed Flame Blade Gentle Repose Lesser Restoration Magic Weapon Prayer of Healing Protection from Poison See Invisibility Spiritual Weapon Warding Bond Zone of Honesty |
Beacon of Hope Cleanse Lair Daylight Dispel Magic Fear Glyph of Warding Magic Circle Protection from Energy Rallying Eloquence Remove Curse Reverent Burial Spirit Guardians Telepathic Joust Water Walk Willful Shroud Zone of Mercy |
Banishment Booming Battlecry Bestow Hellsight Coherent Beam Cleanse Being Death Ward Divine Portent Faithful Hound Guardian of Faith Infuse Weapon Protection from Swarms Zone of Vitality |
Commune with Divinity Commune with Nature Dismissal Flame Strike Geas Greater Restoration Hallow Zone of Stability |
♣ Ranger Spells – Wisdom | ||||
1st level | 2nd level | 3rd level | 4th level | 5th level |
Animal Friendship Animate Ropes Bane Breadcrumb Trail Cure Wounds Detect Magic Detect Poison and Disease Entangle Expeditious Retreat Faerie Fire Feather Fall Fog Cloud Hunter's Mark Jump Locate Companion Longstrider Purify Food and Drink Restore Sense Speak with Animals Tripping Hazard |
Acid Arrow Animal Messenger Darkness Darkvision Find Steed Gentle Repose Invisibility Lesser Restoration Locate Animals or Plants Magic Weapon Pass without Trace Protection from Poison Rope Trick See Invisibility Silence Spike Growth |
Cleanse Lair Conjure Animal Dispel Magic Envenomed Darts Haste Nondetection Phantom Steed Plant Growth Protection from Energy Quagmire Sleet Storm Slow Speak with Plants Row of Hedges Water Breathing Wind Wall |
Banishment Cleanse Being Conjure Woodland Being Dominate Beast Faithful Hound Freedom of Movement Greater Invisibility Hallucinatory Terrain Infuse Weapon Locate Creature Protection from Swarms Temporary Vigor |
Antilife Shell Awaken Commune with Nature Conjure Elemental Greater Restoration Seeming Teleportation Circle Tree Stride |
♣ Shamanic Militant (Barbarian) Spells – Wisdom | |||
1st level | 2nd level | 3rd level | 4th level |
Animal Friendship Aura Sight Breadcrumb Trail Cure Wounds Detect Magic Detect Poison and Disease Entangle Faerie Fire Fog Cloud Heroism Inflict Wounds Jump Locate Companion Longstrider Purify Food and Drink Shield of Faith Speak with Animals Steady Person Thunderwave Tripping Hazard |
Animal Messenger Barkskin Darkvision Enhance Ability Gust of Wind Hold Person Lesser Restoration Locate Animals or Plants Locate Object Magic Weapon Moonbeam Pass without Trace Protection from Poison Rot Wood Rusting Touch Spike Growth |
Bestow Curse Call Lightning Cleanse Lair Conjure Animal Dispel Magic Firecage Locate Plant Growth Meld into Stone Protection from Energy Remove Curse Reverent Burial Row of Hedges Sleet Storm Speak with Plants Water Breathing Wind Wall |
Booming Battlecry Cleanse Being Confusion Death Ward Dominate Beast Freedom of Movement Hallucinatory Terrain Ice Storm Locate Creature Polymorph Stoneskin Wall of Fire |
≬ Sorcerer Spells – Charisma | ||||
Cantrips | 1st level | 2nd level | 3rd level | 4th level |
Acid Splash Cosmic Veil Dancing Lights Firebolt Granite Fist Grievous Grasp Light Mage Hand Mending Message Mindbolt Minor Illusion Mystic Shield Poison Spray Prestiditation Produce Arcs Produce Ice Produce Flame Produce Stone Ray of Frost Reflect Image Resistance Shocking Grasp Sunbolt |
Alarm Aura Sight Burning Hands Charm Person Color Spray Command Cosmic Ray Detect Magic Disguise Self Expeditious Retreat Feather Fall Floating Disk Hideous Laughter Identify Jump Lightning Jolt Longstrider Loudspeaker Mage Armor Magic Missile Mental Brawl Metamorphic Weaponry Oily Ooze Protection from Entities Putrid Shiv Quick Shield Resounding Noise Resplendent Garb Signal Flare Silent Image Sleep Spider Climb Thunderwave Tripping Hazard Weatherproof Barrier Winter Wind |
Alter Aura Alter Self Agonizing Arc Blur Dark Chakram Darkvision Detect Thoughts Enhance Ability Enlarge/Reduce Enthrall Excruciate Hold Person Invisibility Levitate Light Chakram Magic Mouth Magic Weapon Mirror Image Misty Step Protection from Poison Ray of Enfeeblement Rime Cloud Scorching Ray See Invisibility Shatter Suggestion Unearthly Visage Unseen Ram Volley of Stones Web |
Blink Call Lightning Cleanse Lair Counterspell Dispel Magic Envenomed Darts Fear Fireball Firecage Fly Gaseous Form Haste Hypnotic Pattern Lightning Bolt Magic Circle Major Image Nondetection Phantom Steed Power Struggle Power Word Flee Protection from Energy Sending Sleet Storm Slow Telepathic Joust Thundercrash Triple Threat Vampiric Touch Water Breathing Willful Shroud |
Arcane Eye Booming Battlecry Burning Breath Cleanse Being Coherent Beam Confusion Control Water Devour Death Dismissal Dimension Door Dominate Beast Fire Shield Freedom of Movement Greater Floating Disk Greater Invisibility Ice Storm Infuse Weapon Mass Charm Person Phantasmal Killer Polymorph Power Word Kneel Protection from Swarms Redirect Lightning Resilient Sphere Stone Shape Stoneskin Telepathic Bond Wall of Fire |
5th level | 6th level | 7th level | 8th level | 9th level |
Arcane Hand Cloudkill Cone of Cold Dismissal Dominate Person Dream Geas Hold Monster Mislead Modify Memory Passwall Power Word Fumble Resonating Vibrations Seeming Telekinesis Teleportation Circle Unravel Effect Vampiric Embrace Wall of Force Wall of Stone |
Acid Rain Chain Lightning Contingency Disintegrate Eyebite Flesh to Stone Freezing Sphere Globe of Invulnerability Irresistiblle Dance Magic Jar Mass Suggestion Power Word Fall Programmed Illusion Spontaneous Combustion True Seeing Wall of Ice |
Arcane Sword Delayed Blast Fireball Etherealness Fire Storm Forcecage Plane Shift Power Word Sleep Prismatic Spray Project Image Reverse Gravity Rolling Thunder Teleport |
Antimagic Field Antipathy/Sympathy Clone Control Weather Create Atmosphere Dominate Monster Earthquake Flash Flood Incendiary Cloud Mind Blank Power Word Stop Sandstorm |
Astral Projection Foresight Gate Maelstrom Meteor Swarm Power Word Die Prismatic Wall Shapechange Storm of Vengeance True Polymorph |
∢ Stage Magician (Rogue) Spells – Intelligence | ||||
Cantrips | 1st level | 2nd level | 3rd level | 4th level |
Brilliant Strike Cosmic Veil Dancing Lights Enhance Assistance Light Mage Hand Mending Message Mindbolt Minor Illusion Mystic Shield Poison Spray Prestidigitation Produce Flame Reflect Image Resistance Shocking Grasp Vicious Mockery |
Animate Ropes Charm Person Color Spray Detect Magic Disguise Self Expeditious Retreat Feather Fall Floating Disk Fog Cloud Identify Illusory Script Jump Longstrider Loudspeaker Mage Armor Mental Brawl Penetrating Glimpse Program Puppet Resounding Noise Quick Shield Resplendent Garb Signal Flare Silent Image Sleep Spider Climb Unseen Servant Weatherproof Barrier |
Alter Aura Arcane Lock Blindness/Deafness Blur Darkness Darkvision Detect Thoughts Enthrall Find Traps Invisibility Knock Levitate Locate Object Mirror Image Misty Step Pass without Trace Protection from Poison Rope Trick See Invisibility Shatter Silence Suggestion Unearthly Visage Unseen Ram |
Blink Clairvoyance Counterspell Daylight Dispel Magic Fear Fly Gaseous Form Haste Hypnotic Pattern Magic Circle Major Image Nondetection Phantom Steed Protection from Energy Remove Curse Sending Slow Telepathic Joust Water Breathing Water Walk |
Arcane Eye Bestow Hellsight Cover of Darkness Confusion Dimension Door Fabricate Freedom of Movement Greater Floating Disk Greater Invisibility Hallucinatory Terrain Mass Charm Person Phantasmal Killer Private Sanctum Protection from Swarms Secret Chest Shadowy Form Telepathic Bond Vanish Object |
★ Warlock Spells – Charisma | ||||
Cantrips | 1st level | 2nd level | 3rd level | 4th level |
Acid Splash Coiling Creeper Cosmic Veil Dancing Lights Eldritch Blast Grievous Grasp Mage Hand Message Mindbolt Minor Illusion Mystic Shield Poison Spray Produce Flame Reflect Image Resistance Shocking Grasp Vicious mockery Vile Miasma |
Aura Sight Bane Burning Hands Charm Person Comprehend Languages Cosmic Ray Detect Magic Disguise Self Expeditious Retreat Faerie Fire Feather Fall Find Familiar Fog Cloud Hellish Rebuke Hideous Laughter Identify Illusory Script Jump Mage Armor Magic Missile Mental Brawl Oily Ooze Penetrating Glimpse Program Puppet Putrid Shiv Quick Shield Resplendent Garb Silent Image Sleep Spider Climb Thunderwave Tripping Hazard Unseen Servant Vomit Ichor Weatherproof Barrier Winter Wind |
Acid Arrow Alter Aura Alter Self Agonizing Arc Blindness/Deafness Darkness Darkvision Dark Chakram Enlarge/Reduce Excruciate Gust of Wind Heat Metal Hold Person Invisibility Locate Object Mirror Image Misty Step Moonbeam Pass without Trace Protection from Poison Ray of Enfeeblemment Rime Cloud Rot Wood Rusting Touch Shatter Strange Brew Suggestion Unearthly Visage Venemous Lash Web |
Animate Dead Bestow Curse Cleanse Lair Conjure Imp Corrosive Spill Dispel Magic Envenomed Darts Fear Fly Gaseous Form Ghoulish Feast Hypnotic Pattern Magic Circle Major Image Nondetection Phantom Steed Power Struggle Quagmire Remove Curse Sending Speak with Dead Stinking Cloud Telepathic Joust Thundercrash Tongues Triple Threat Unseen Archivist Vampiric Touch Willful Shroud Witching Hour |
Arcane Eye Banishment Bestow Hellsight Black Tentacles Blight Cleanse Being Cover of Darkness Compulsion Confusion Devour Death Dimension Door Dominate Beast Faithful Hound Freedom of Movement Greater Invisibility Hallucinatory Terrain Infuse Weapon Mass Charm Person Phantasmal Killer Planar Binding Polymorph Private Sanctum Protection from Swarms Redirect Lightning Secret Chest Shadowy Form Slithering Serpent Temporary Vigor |
5th level | 6th level | 7th level | 8th level | 9th level |
Animate Objects Arcane Hand Cloudkill Contact Other Plane Contagion Dismissal Dominate Person Dream Geas Hold Monster Legend Lore Mislead Modify Memory Planar Binding Resonating Vibrations Scrying Seeming Teleportation Circle Vampiric Embrace Wall of Force |
Acid Rain Circle of Death Conjure Fey Conjure Fiend Create Undead Disintegrate Eyebite Flesh to Stone Globe of Invulnerability Irresistible Dance Lethal Injection Magic Jar Mass Suggestion Spontaneous Combustion True Seeing Wall of Thorns |
Conjure Aberration Etherealness Finger of Death Fire Storm Forcecage Mirage Arcane Plane Shift Project Image Reverse Gravity Sequester Symbol Teleport |
Antimagic Field Antipathy/Sympathy Control Weather Create Atmosphere Demiplane Dominate Monster Feeblemind Glibness Incendiary Cloud Maze Mind Blank Unholy Aura |
Astral Projection Gate Imprisonment Maelstrom Perfect Strike Prismatic Wall Shapechange Storm of Vengeance True Polymorph Weird |
∢ Wizard Spells – Intelligence | ||||
Cantrips | 1st level | 2nd level | 3rd level | 4th level |
Acid Splash Brilliant Strike Cosmic Veil Dancing Lights Enhance Assistance Firebolt Grievous Grasp Light Mage Hand Mending Message Mindbolt Minor Illusion Mystic Shield Poison Spray Prestidigitation Produce Arcs Produce Flame Produce Ice Produce Stone Ray of Frost Reflect Image Resistance Shocking Grasp Sunbolt Vicious Mockery Vile Miasma |
Alarm Animate Ropes Aura Sight Breadcrumb Trail Burning Hands Charm Person Color Spray Comprehend Languages Detect Magic Disguise Self Expeditious Retreat Feather Fall Find Familiar Floating Disk Fog Cloud Heroism Hideous Laughter Identify Illusory Script Jump Lightning Jolt Lithographic Tourch Longstrider Loudspeaker Mage Armor Magic Missile Mental Brawl Penetrating Glimpse Program Puppet Quick Shield Resounding Noise Resplendent Garb Signal Flare Silent Image Sleep Spider Climb Thunderwave Tripping Hazard Unseen Servant Weatherproof Barrier Winter Wind Zone of Tranquility |
Acid Arrow Alter Aura Alter Self Agonizing Arc Arcane Lock Blindness/Deafness Blur Continual Flame Darkness Darkvision Detect Thoughts Enhance Ability Enlarge/Reduce Enthrall Flaming Sphere Gust of Wind Hold Person Invisibility Knock Levitate Locate Object Magic Mouth Magic Weapon Mirror Image Misty Step Ray of Enfeeblement Rime Cloud Rope Trick Scorching Ray See Invisibility Shatter Silence Suggestion Unseen Ram Volley of Stones Web |
Animate Dead Bestow Curse Blink Clairvoyance Cleanse Lair Counterspell Dispel Magic Fear Fireball Firecage Fly Gaseous Form Glyph of Warding Haste Hypnotic Pattern Lightning Bolt Major Image Magic Circle Nondetection Phantom Steed Power Struggle Power Word Flee Protection from Energy Remove Curse Sending Sleet Storm Slow Stinking Cloud Telepathic Joust Thundercrash Tongues Triple Threat Unseen Archivist Vampiric Touch Water Breathing Willful Shroud |
Arcane Eye Banishment Booming Battlecry Burning Breath Cleanse Being Coherent Beam Confusion Conjure Minor Elemental Control Water Devour Death Dimension Door Fabricate Fire Shield Freedom of Movement Greater Floating Disk Greater Invisibility Hallucinatory Terrain Ice Storm Infuse Weapon Locate Creature Mass Charm Person Planar Binding Polymorph Power Word Kneel Private Sanctum Redirect Lightning Resilient Sphere Secret Chest Stone Shape Stoneskin Telepathic Bond Temporary Vigor Vanish Object Wall of Fire |
5th level | 6th level | 7th level | 8th level | 9th level |
Animate Objects Arcane Hand Broadcast Thoughts Cloudkill Cone of Cold Conjure Elemental Contact Other Plane Creation Dismissal Dominate Person Dream Hold Monster Legend Lore Mislead Modify Memory Passwall Planar Binding Power Word Fumble Resonating Vibrations Scrying Seeming Telekinesis Teleportation Circle Unravel Effect Vampric Embrace Wall of Force Wall of Stone Zone of Stability |
Acid Rain Chain Lightning Circle of Death Contingency Create Undead Disintegrate Energize Construct Eyebite Find the Path Flesh to Stone Freezing Sphere Globe of Invulnerability Guards and Wards Instant Summons Irresistible Dance Lethal Injection Magic Jar Mass Suggestion Move Earth Power Word Fall Programmed Illusion Spontaneous Combustion True Seeing Wall of Ice |
Arcane Sword Delayed Blast Fireball Etherealness Finger of Death Forcecage Mirage Arcane Plane Shift Power Word Sleep Prismatic Spray Project Image Reverse Gravity Rolling Thunder Sequester Simulacrum Symbol Teleport |
Antimagic Field Antipathy/Sympathy Clone Control Weather Create Atmosphere Demiplane Dominate Monster Earthquake Feeblemind Flash Flood Glibness Incendiary Cloud Maze Mind Blank Power Word Stop Sandstorm |
Astral Projection Foresight Gate Imprisonment Meteor Swarm Power Word Die Prismatic Wall Shapechange Time Stop True Polymorph Weird Wish |