- Captain Simon Breeze is dead.
- VIP Bashar Kostas Savas teleported out.
- prow of vessel is smashed
- disoriented crew clashed with native
- hyperintelligent bugs attack
Bugs probe at camp defenses with +3 Perception and general creepiness. After some frights and some misdirects, a squads rush in to test the crew's strength. Allow and reward clever defensive plans, but emphasize limited reousrces. Small bugs bite at +3 for 1d4 damage + CON 12 DC to avoid 2d6 poison damage. They have AC 12 and saves -1 to +1 (save Strength, which is puny.) If involved their commander has AC 15 and is +5 to hit for 1d8 damage plus 4d6 poison damage (halved by DC 14 CON save.) It is also man-sized and +0 STR. All the bugs are immune to sleep and mind control.